
Helping My Struggling Child Overcome:   NeuroDevelopmental Movement®

NeurollyAcademy is designed to serve your toddler and students through high school age.

Helping your struggling child overcome and succeed at life can be overwhelming and exhausting!

It needs to be Sustainable and Life Giving!

Here’s how we can help…


We start by providing a simple educational assessment to determine your child’s academic, behavioral, social, sensory or developmental needs.

Daily Plan 

We equip you with a daily movement plan to help your child reach the desired goals at home, play, school and/or life.


We provide you with ongoing education, training and support via in person or virtual reassessments, coaching calls, text, email and virtual appointments.

Our On Boarding Process is As Simple as 1 … 2 … 3 …



3) GET education, support and training to equip your infant for life

Neurolly equips you with NeuroDevelopmental Movement® a movement based educational solution to help your struggling child overcome and succeed at home, school, play and life.

NeuroDevelopmental Movement® replicates the Developmental Sequence, a logical sequential order of activities that facilitate the maturity of the foundation of the brain. This foundation is responsible for our automatic functions and needs to be strong and well organized so our cortex … our walking, talking thinking part of the brain can do its job well.

NeuroDevelopmental Movement® is based on the science of neuroplasticity, which is the ability of the brain to form and reorganize synaptic connections especially in response to learning or experiences or following an injury. NeuroDevelopmental Movement® consists of patterned movements, exercises, sensory and related activities.

The personalized pathway includes of an initial assessment, education, instructions and training followed by reassessments. Check our our FAQ page for more details

“My 8-year-old son used to have daily rages/meltdowns. Could not control his emotions at all, and definitely the most violent of my 4 kids. … he never rages anymore, and very rarely gets upset enough to hit or kick anyone. He now channels his emotions by arguing passionately (lol) and singing. Major improvement!”

R. Lewinson, Mom

“The difference between this year and last year is night and day.” Listen as one mother shares the academic benefits that have resulted from her daughter with learning disabilities using the NeuroDevelopmental Movement Program.

How it works:

  • Assess We start by providing a simple educational assessment to determine your child’s academic, behavioral, social, sensory or developmental needs.

  • Daily Plan We equip you with a daily movement plan to help your child reach the desired goals at home, play, school and/or life.

  • Support We provide ongoing education, training and support via in person or virtual reassessments, coaching calls, text, email and virtual appointments.

Neurolly believes you deserve a simple solution to help your struggling child overcome and succeed at home, school, play and life.

Neurolly, helping you equip your child for life!

“Learning specialist said he jumped 3 levels. Since September he is up THREE (3) reading levels, he is now enjoying math – he has memorized his multiplication facts!

Other improvements include sports and coordination, e.g. his stamina is improved. He is more expressive, raising his hand to participate in school, very chatty on his last school trip (this is very good, he used to refrain from engaging socially). Engaging more with peers and teachers. Also, improved reading fluency, he is less resistant to reading aloud. He is encouraged!

NeuroDevelopmental Movement has made a HUGE difference, I SHOULD HAVE FIGURED IT OUT SOONER. What we have gained SURPASSED the minimal sacrifice! It has been worth it.”

Grateful Mom

“No more pulling his hair out at the top of his head. Been keeping it super short for over a year and now it’s growing and NO PULLING! Yay!!”

E. Eppard, Mom

Take the next step!

Connect with your local Baby Brain Doula, Mommy Mentor and NeuroDevelopmental Movement® Consultant:

Jocelyn Williams, at 317.936.6797.


Disclaimer: Neurolly Solutions, Inc., does not clinically diagnose or treat any specific medical or psychiatric condition. Jocelyn R. Williams/M.A.Ed. is an educator. Mrs. Williams is not a physician, psychologist, or credentialed mental health worker. The scope of her consultation services does not include the treatment or diagnosis of specific illnesses or disorders. If a client suspects that they many have an ailment, illness or mental health concern that may require medical attention they are encouraged to consult with a licensed physician or professional.